Thoughts on the antitrust case?

My first reaction is that it's going to be extremely difficult to prove.

I've long been critical of Apple's walled garden and their massive markups on components like storage and RAM, but I understand their appeal and clearly so do millions of customers.

I could have bought an iPhone but I chose Android devices because that's what I prefer. Does Apple really make it that hard to move away?


^ Just to be clear, I do not want this thread to become a fanboy/girl flame war. I'm a longtime Android devotee and I'm giving Apple the benefit of the doubt here, because the case to me is a head-scratcher.

I want to focus on the legal issues. You would think the DOJ knows what they're doing if they're even going to file this. What am I missing?


I love my Apple universe. The rest of family prefer Android. We’ve never had any issues between the two universes. I have no idea what this case is about. LOL But the DOJ should have just gone after them about their chargers………😂😂

@voltronic I think the government is missing that Apple and Google have together made it so that it's nearly impossible to get anything that is not one of their phones. I think Apple is far worse at making your data portable if you leave the platform. They really hate it if you leave their ecosystem.

But I think both of them should have had the shit beat out of them with anti-trust long ago, and been broken up.

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