The other great idea I read a long time ago came from Rachel Tobac: salt your passwords with a short bit you have committed to memory. This means the passwords stored in the vault are incomplete; you manually enter your 'salt' at the beginning or end of the stored password when logging in. If your vault is ever compromised, the passwords are useless.
Well, still do the 2FA in addition. It doesn't have to be one or the other. ¿Por que no los dos?
totes...I do like 3FA with my only key... 😁
@voltronic - the first is useless (csv handles this) the second is annoying, but will work until a site is breached.
After that, you're relying on the obscurity of being 1 in a million that somebody wouldn't try more than once. If you're a high value target to somebody... That obscurity goes out the window faster than somebody who kicked Putin's dog.
@voltronic I teach this to my students
Rock on. Way to go, getting the next generation into good security practices.
@voltronic This seems brilliant! Having said that, what I can't imagine is having to do all that to change current ones managed by Roboform Pro. 😭 I will certainly do this going forward.
yeah, this like lo-fi 2FA... somethin you have is the password safe and somethin you know is the "salt"
actual MFA is obv better, but this is a nifty lil trick