Governors pushing pay increases, other perks, in effort to ease teacher shortages

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — As schools across the country struggle to find teachers to hire, more governors are pushing for pay increases, bonuses and other perks for the beleaguered profession — with some vowing to beat out other states competing for educators.


What this article does not mention are the other factors contributing to the teacher shortage. Public education is under attack around the country, be it through book bans, whitewashing of curricula, lack of special education support, and threats of severe disciplinary action for giving students true historical facts, to creating hostile environments for marginalized student groups. It's not just the pay.

@voltronic The Republican't Four Step Plan for Education:

1. Demonize teachers.
2. Break their unions and slash their pay and benefits.
3. Criminally prosecute them for simply doing their job.
4. Wonder where all of the teachers went.

@voltronic This country doesn't respect education, or at least not anymore. The leaders want power and control, and the easiest way to win is to destroy our access to a decent education. They don't want us being free thinkers nor do they want us to learn about how to stop them by understanding how the government works.

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