Lock Picking Lawyer takes down an expensive smart lock sold at the Apple store using two of the most low-skill techniques.
This thing also has a hollow bolt cylinder, which is a ridiculously stupid idea.
[1480] $329 Smart Lock Opened in Seconds (Level Lock) - YouTube
And if you watch the video, he doesn't even address any potential vulnerability of the electronic side. It just has a totally basic SC1 keyway, but no security pins or any other anti-bypass countermeasures you would expect half as expensive to have.
Then the hollow bolt thing - you could just put a sawzall in there with a carbide blade and probably cut through it rather quickly.
@voltronic a secondary issue I have with these locks is the added motivation for electronic hacking. I.e. attack the network to get physical access to the house. If/when any of these locks are actually any good, the home network becomes the most attractive target. And let's face it, it's probably vulnerable. Already see it with cars.