@Cynanthrope I’ve seen them once before but it was on the Playing The Angel tour so it was awhile ago. Some of the videos I’ve caught of this tour look great and the set list is 🔥

Speaking of recording I’ve been obsessively checking my email the past couple of days for the final mix of the Kill Uncle demo. The anticipation of getting out is killing me.

Recording vocals tonight for a cover song with a friend. Can’t wait to hear how it turns out.

One IG account I follow asks people to make poetry out of transphobic statements found online & this one that was recently posted is one of my favorites.

Someone put up the entire original TV broadcast of The Midnight Hour on YouTube. It’s wild watching it with all of the commercials from 1985.

Walked to the Rite Aid down the street to get some water while they were recording guitars & I got my Covid booster too.

In the studio and I had to to pick up the bass player. We get back and the drums were already done. I’ve never had a recording experience like that. Usually the drums are still being set up and sound checked.

I never listen to the radio but I was in a situation today where I did. I heard this band Royal Blood. I dived more into their stuff when I got home & I’m really digging them.

My laptop or at least my DJ program is revolting against me tonight.

When doing a wedding you are always going to come across some problem. Good thing I had a little mixer that I haven’t used in year in my bag and it still works. It has saved the day.

I’ve been sxe my entire life. Over the past year I’ve really considered breaking for the first time ever. I’m not sure if I ever will but I have this need to experience new things.

@mcfate Lol ok, ok. I have no pull in those circle so you’re lucky.

@mcfate The Ninth Gate is a perfect movie, I love it. Maybe more of an updated, reimagining.

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