General thoughts 🧡

Boy the state of politics and socioty is just incredible (in a bad way lol)

That's all I'm going to say because repeating the craziness intrudes on my peace.

As I've mentioned before, I am no longer triggered by news and social media. I will be writing an article on how I did this. (without the woo-woo stuff (it's funny even my instructor calls the more mystical stuff woo woo) πŸ˜‚

But I have experienced woo woo & it's freaking amazing



^^ I'm learning to teach without the woo woo.

I feel good about all this. I even want to take a stab at trying to include maga types in a gentle and non offensive way. Those videos (Yes I'm going to doing videos 😱) I will probably provide for free.

For my local community I plan on puttimg myself out there for public speaking. When i get my MBSR teaching ill be going around the county offering speaking at jails, assisted living and community centers.

Stuff like that. ❀️

@ucantstop_me The woo-woo stuff to me is an aside and adjunct to the very real things in the real world.

Our myths, our striving for immaterial spiritual things, they're all about the same stuff as on earth.

Giving, learning, striving, building, loving, all that. We don't need to know what the magic ghosts are doing if we do the work in the material world.

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