Oof. At *least* turn off your location on devices.

"The pervasive surveillance machine that has been developed for digital advertising now enables other uses completely unrelated to marketing, including government mass surveillance,” says Wolfie Christl, a Vienna-based researcher at Cracked Labs who investigates the data industry..."


Jeffrey Epstein's Island Visitors Exposed by Data Broker



@Eulimnadian argh...! though can't say I'm terribly surprised either


I know.. still, the details are alarming. 😱
Yesterday it was an article of how a city is using AI to see into cars and find tents to count homeless. What could go wrong? 😬


@Eulimnadian @UmbaSaffire

When I was in Prague, shortly after the Velvet Revolution, there were fake cameras on most of the light poles.

The communist government had used the illusion that everyone was under surveillance all the time to control behavior.

Now we have governments actually putting people under continual surveillance and acting like it's for our benefit.

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