Yay! Chonky has his appetite back!

Even after he stopped throwing up, he was cautious about drinking water and was barely eating at all, like a tablespoon or two a day. I was giving him broth in an eyedropper. Even extra rich foods, he'd sniff and turn his head. Wouldn't even lick it off his paw.

He also didn't want to be held or let Anna touch him.


But at 3am, I heard him stirring and checked on him. He was sitting by his empty food bowl. And he meowed at me. So I held an open can of food for him to sniff, and he dove in, trying to scarf it up. So I gave him a regular meal portion and he eagerly ate it all. And ate eagerly at breakfast.

He also let me hold him for a couple of minutes. And now he and Anna are curled up together.

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