
Saw a flurry of articles yesterday about Bezos saying he'll give away most of his wealth.

Looks like he gave $100M to Dolly Parton's charity. Not huge for him. Nice choice.

But here's the thing.
He can give away 90% of his wealth and still be one of the wealthiest people on the planet, to a scale that is obscene.

And his timing? He announced that as Amazon is laying off 10,000 people.

It's not charity. It's a PR investment and a distraction.

@tyghebright Also who’s going to verify he does it? Nobody.

I hold by the rule to never trust billionaire philanthropy. If they paid their fair taxes, their charity wouldn't be needed.

@ArcturusSaDiablo @tyghebright

Charities are useful for the (great many) causes that government overlooks or, through narrow-mindedness and shortsightedness, doesn't think are useful.

But charities cannot be a *replacement* for government assistance; charities couldn't fulfil that rôle back when government did little or nothing for the public welfare, and were primarily a way for donors to say "well, we're doing something!"

World : “the planet is literally dying and if we don’t do something now, we’re all doomed. It’s gonna take huge investments.”

Billionaires: “I’m gonna give away all my money. Someday….”

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