#politics #dumptrump #mainstream_socialmedia
It doesn't hurt my feelings to have left all of these mainstream social media platforms for COSO. It will hurt Facebook, Instagram, Meta, and Twitter though if everyone else who has half a brain follows.
@rpardee riddle me this? Why after looking at this picture, and not saying a word aloud did my Youtube just fill up with documentaries about you know who? That is creepy!
#topgun2 I see all the postings about Top Gun 2, and I can't get past Tom Cruise, "who is a Scientologist" and they are a group who torture and hold people hostage in a place called, "The Hole" and seperate kids from there parwnts at 7 years old because they say they arw born adults. Wtf?! I just can't support a guy who is the poster child for Scientology and gives them millions to keep going.
@willmckinley who loves ya baby!
CounterSocial is unlike any social media experience online. There are no bots, no trolls, and no ads. You are not a product to be sold, and your safety is our top priority.
We have been called "the PBS of social media" because we are 100% funded by our community. If you appreciate the difference as much as we do, please consider going Pro.
@ATXJane they gave me stress balls to squeeze, and boy did I squeeze them! LoL!
@Fellixe lol!
@ATXJane yup! Only 8 more sessions to go. Lol!
@ATXJane it hurt! I'm not gonna lie. But in the end, it is worth it.
@th3j35t3r LMFAO!!! Those douche-canoes never paid attention to Pink Floyd at all! Hahahaha!
Coffee runs the body and the brain.