
I just signed up for an account and I'm starting to look around. Any advice?


Welcome Home !

Think of this place as a friendly neighborhood hangout.

The number of followers you have is meaningless here.

Just as the number you follow is also of no consequence.

We are centered around Hashtags, and Lists. The Firehose can be overwhelming, and you can un-pin it, and return to it at anytime.

You can create a column with multiple Hashtags.
You can create a List with multiple people in it.

Learn more here:

@corlin Thanks, that sounds like excellent advice

Greetings and Salutations
A lot of good information in the updated guide, including FAQ and common hashtags.

There is a neato User Guide that can be found here:

Other than that, just roam around a bit. You'll find this is a welcoming crowd.

@tstan91 Welcome!

Everything is turned ON when you start here, and it can be overwhelming. Here are the 3 things that changed my desktop experience here:

1. Light mode: dark mode hurt my eyes.

2. Ostrich mode: removes news ticker, CoSoCom emergency radio scanner, and live news station feeds.

3. Unpin columns (or just resize browser window to single column)

If you get stuck, just post with hashtag help!

@kerrywth thank you, it does feel very busy. But also I don't want to miss anything

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