Julie Powell, known for the “Julia/Julie” blog has passed away from a heart attack. It may came after she got Covid. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/01/dining/julie-powell-dead.html
This happened to me earlier this year. I had a mild case of Covid. I coughed for a few weeks, and then I had a heart attack. During my stay, I had uncontrollable diabetes, heart failure, pneumonia, and a blood clot in my lung. Somehow, I’m still alive. Condolences to the Powell family.
@LiberalLibrarian I’m feeling much better. Meeting my cardiologist tomorrow. Just got my blood work and everything is back to normal, even my A1C is at 5.6. It was 9.8 earlier this year. It’s been a crazy ride.
@tracytran Man, hang in there. And don't take horse dewormer!
@LiberalLibrarian will try not to do that.
@tracytran Oh my God, how terrifying. I'm glad you are still here, and very sad for the Powell family
@tracytran Jaysus. Glad you came through it. Are you on the mend?