Tonight, my wife and I went out to dinner. During the meal, the waitress came to check on us and asked how we were doing. My wife said we were talking about the D-Day commemoration we saw on TV earlier. The waitress looked confused. My wife said, “D-Day? June 6, 1944, Word War Two?” The waitress said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what that is.” She wasn’t a teenager or a bubblehead in her twenties, but a woman (she admitted) in her fifties.

How long ago did they stop teaching history in school?


@johnldeboer There is a form 252 in the police dept. It is a statement form, given to witnesses so they can write what happened. No matter what their occupation, it was rare for me to find someone who could string together the words to fill one out. I usually ended up writing it for them and asking them to sign it if it were correct and true.So expecting ppl to have a basic knowledge of history when they don't is no surprise to me.

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