Today I had a ton of chores to do, so I dug my rocks out and took pictures of some of them. Now I guess I will do the chores, but when I sit down I will play with the photos and post the results in this thread. Will probably add to it every now and again for a while.

This piece makes the hippie part of my soul happy, what with looking like yin and yang on one side. About an inch and a half in diameter, smoky quartz.

See that tiny swirl by the mechanical pencil lead? I think of it as my spiral goddess. A similar shot is in my Redbubble shop, we have a poster sized print over the bed. Always amazes me to see the poster and know how tiny it is. The crystals are often full of wee rainbows, fun to explore with the jewler's loupe. Like the sphere, it makes me happy in my hippie places. I put jelly bellies in it to nibble on them one at a time when I do the savor and enjoy kind of thing.

Amber landscapes. I have about 12 termites in the piece, or impressions of where a termite was but decayed away as the amber hardened, like the last image.

Labradorite is fun to show to people who aren't familiar with stones. Looks like a boring greenish agate type stone until you turn it just right, then their eyes pop open when the light hits just right. Heard folklore once that it was bits of petrified aurora borealis falling from the sky. Sounds about right.

Also some Moldavite, from a comet that hit the earth and therefore holds cosmic power. It is often fake and made with glass, but I know mine is real 'cause I'm totally enlightened.

@tippitiwichet I like moldavite. It feels like I should put it into a magic sword or amulet or something.

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