Oyster mushrooms are growing in the outside bins better than they are in the indoor bin on cardboard, where it has been taken over by wet bubble disease. The pink spawn seems healthy, so far, but I decided to grab a bucket of it and bury it in nearly every pot or bin in the garden, just in case.

@tippitiwichet those are oyster mushrooms? maybe it's the angle, but the oysters i'm familiar with look more like this:

@fernfren Lol, someone on Mastodon was double checking with me too, here's the big solitary one today. They are rounded at first, then flatten. I'm getting some guidebooks though, because if I'm going to grow these where I'm not positive what spores have come in, I want to be even more sure. Oh, and they're in a raised bin, near where I planted the spent bedding, that's the only reason I even recognized them.

@tippitiwichet idk, i am still wary, my fren-- that stem is not right-- it should have gills all the way down to the base--like nothing but gills... and it grows in clumps, not alone, it's a very social fungus

i have this mushroom tattooed on my body ok LOL

@tippitiwichet ok in fact i'm just going to go ahead and tell you that is definitely not an oyster mushroom and i forbid you to eat it

sorry but i got a Jiminey Cricket on my shoulder telling me to stop hedging and be direct on this one. *that is not an oyster mushroom* i've grown them and they never look like that. sorry to disappoint, but you've got contamination with another species there. :(

@fernfren I hear you, but I'll stay up in the air while they grow unless you can tell me how to tell it apart from something else it could be. But if you can't, one of the two books I'm getting within a few weeks breaks that down for sure, I think the other one probably does as well but couldn't tell in the preview. No snacking though. Promise.

@tippitiwichet stem color, shape and placement is what i'm going off of, and the fact that it was not in a clump. do a spore print-- that's a good way to help id. and this is a great article about oyster ID:


@fernfren Ooh, spore print. Yes, I'll go grab one. Thanky.

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