The nutrients Venus flytraps receive from insects allows them to blossom, and create seed. They bloom far above their deadly traps, to ensure the safety of their pollinator friends, only taking the lives they need to as they dance the dance of survival for those who fit.
Their niche is delicate, the balance of their environment is easily damaged, but their strategy still shows remarkable adaptability and resilience, even cooperation. (thread)


Carnivorous plants that grow near other species of carnivorous plants in mires across the globe have been demonstrated to fare better, as their different hunting techniques often aid each other. Sundews can suffocate insects that stumble away in escape, only to succumb to a pitcher due to weakness and confusion. Pitcher plants can paralyze and intoxicate, causing insects to fall from their lips to waiting sundews and flytraps below.

Low growing flytraps are good at catching the thieving spiders as they scurry in, before they rob their neighbors with their agile bodies that dangle in on safety lines, like cat-burglars in a heist film. Together they thrive, shrouded in the mist, the glittery sundews throwing up rainbows under the flower mimicking pitcher plants, beaconing in prey across the delicate mires. (draft from my coloring book)

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