@RetiredLEexec This happened to me one time and I had a coffee delivered to me via postmates to get things back on track.

@HedgeTrimmerKnight @Autumn @amarand My husband (@seanbonner) and my kid finally convinced me to play WOW with them. The beginning tasks are a bit tedious but they promise me it will get better.

Happy Friday the 13th with a Full Harvest Moon!!

@Autumn @amarand Being able to hold a game in your hand is so much more satisfying and exciting than downloading it. Have fun!

@shannonpersists I setup the two factor as you recommended and reviewed all the apps with access and holy moly that was a long list. Kinda terrifying.

@richieleyland any thoughts on the process you will use to decide or just sit down and see what happens?

@amarand if you like birds then you may like this rescued baby angry bird (zosterops japonicus).

@amarand It's very exciting research. If you come across any articles please share with me. Thanks!

@shannonpersists I haven't burned it. I have a lot of accounts that point to it and so I need to do some housekeeping before I consider that.

@amarand are you specifically talking about mycelium? I'm intrigued and have joined some discussions about it. What are your thoughts?

@MountainMan I live in Japan so does that make me less of a cheat? ⛩️ Today is Tuesday, or Ka Youbi.

@amarand yaaay! I recently received my forest medicine license in Japan. It's like forest bathing plus learning about the scientific benefits of hanging out with trees.

@hypnosub69 not only do they look like nice friends, but they make the air fresh.

@mushrj I was on it since 2007 and so it was hard to say goodbye, but it's for the best.

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