Everything is ready for tomorrow's delivery. Everything is moved, I found space for stuff I had to move. Everything is rewired and setup. I have a few more things to deal with but it will be easier once the sauna is actually setup to know where these things will get shifted to. I really hope everything goes well with delivery and setup tomorrow. The idea of being able to open a door and walk in ... and just fully relax my body and heal ... I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. ❤️


That’s a big project with a really big payoff. I’m so happy with/for you & hope delivery & set up are as easy as possible!❤️

@thewebrecluse As much as you're expecting from it, I hope it surprises you being even better.

@thewebrecluse The delivery and set up will be swift, efficient, and done well!

You'll be soaking in the heat by dinner time!

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