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Watching King Ralph counts as watching the coronation, right??

After a recent deep dive into Pearl Jam, the wife has gone from (not even 2 months ago) hating PJ, to simply liking everything except Ten, and now, after listening to the Redux mix of Ten, concluding "I think I just hate Jeremy."


She's now upset the tickets to their Chicago show are so expensive.

Today I learned how to properly use the Today I Learned acronym..

Did I do it right???

There's still time ... If Mike Pence does his job, Tucker Carlson can still have his show on FOX.

"Let's play some Seven Mary Three.... Okay, so who would you Seven, who would you Mary, and who would you Three..."

I said it back in 2020 and I'll say it again, someone needs to bring back the classic protest chant "THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING"

That shit's classic and poignant.

3 years of being covid free, and it finally caught up to me. The wife has had basically ALL the symptoms... While I'm just sitting here with none of them, waiting to test negative so I can go back to work. Yet again playing into my theory that I'm simply not human... I've never once had the flu, and the "flu-like symptoms" I had from the first shot were so foreign to me, I didn't know what was happening...

Anyways, covid is stupid. Can I go back to work now?? I got shit to do.

Wife also upset we missed Our Lady Peace and Crash Test Dummies at their respective Chicago dates... She's apparently living my teenage years currently.

We also now have tickets to see Toad The Wet Sprocket w/ Marcy Playground and within a week also Soul Asylum w/ Collective Soul.

Is this what a woman's version of a midlife crisis looks like? Cuz I'm fine with it.

Wife is finally understanding my love of Pearl Jam. Her algorithm is feeling her lots of post-Ten songs, and she's loving them.

Also, I referred to Backspacer as a "recent Pearl Jam album"... Bitch, if it's in the 2000's, it's recent!

Does CounterSocial connect to my home wifi? Can it control all my appliances if it does? Does it collect my GSP? Why won't my kids talk to me anymore?

I think the Grubhub driver is seriously lost again because all he had to do was go up the main drag and turn left coming north from the restaurant. Now he’s going around the moon.

The bridge of Weird Al's "Hardware Store" might be one of the most sonically orgasmic things ever recorded. I could listen to that over and over and it simply delights me every time.

Well, it's official.... Lindsay Lohan and I are expecting our first child. Me and her, absolutely definitely it's mine........... Knocked her up and stuff... You know how it is...... Totally mine.

My preferred type of violence is telling people I watch Stop Making Sense for the Tom Tom Club.

I miss Gordon Downie... That's all. I just miss him. The world is worse off without him.

I love sound and action subtitles... The latest I've seen: [gasping with effort]

MOVIE PITCH: Okay, so Purple Rain... but for the new generation. Hear me out — Morris Day is played by Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift will play Prince. The whole movie culminates with a duet of Purple Rain. At one point, TaySwif will be practicing her cover of Automatic... But catch: The premise is that they're -filming- a remake of Purple Rain, and that's the movie, and I really, really, really had a shitty day and need sleep very badly.

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The Unabeefer

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