Just got word that my talk on my research into pig butchering scams and organized Chinese cybercrime has been accepted for the information security conference in Washington DC next month. Pumped.

Hey GOP: how’s that populism thing working out for you

@normsmusic Eisenhower was the last one who tried to be everybody’s president.

Somehow appropriate that the loser is being prosecuted with a law intended to thwart the KKK

Hey all, I have been lurking for a while for reasons, but I am going to make an effort to be more active here because everything else sucks hard.

Happy New Year! HMU if you see any scam emails or texts, I'm wrapping up work on a couple and I need something to do with my time. :D

I saw this and it reminded me of the rich guy buying the social media platform.

@corsair there are peeps here. It just takes a while to find them. Also, more stable than most Mastodon servers at the moment because @th3j35t3r has already done some infra work.

I think generic Mastodon may be having problems with too much tooting

The truth is we have always lived on a knife blade, but we only can do so by holding the conflicting ideas in our mind that we are both on a knife blade and living. Existing requires both optimism and realism.

I have lived long enough to remember the days when we did drills at school not for active shooters but for nuclear attack, covering our heads and kneeling in the elementary school center hall against the windowless walls rehearsing for Armageddon. I was a Cold Warrior, sailing the seas with I can neither confirm nor deny in TLAM launchers. I was told history has ended but here it is again.

I have been on this planet for 58 orbits and now I realize that, looking back on things, it has always been this way and there were no good old days - only days of total obliviousness and blind nostalgia. The reason why some don’t want real history taught in schools is that they prefer their kids share the obliviousness and not challenge them to lift the scales from their eyes.

Life is full of optimism and dread at the same time. Just getting up in the morning is an act of optimism, even when all we get thrown at us by the various media is 50 shades of dread.

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Sean Gallagher

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.