1/2: I've said it before and will again because it bears repetition...
There is absolutely no such thing as a clean war, one where nobody but the baddies get hurt or killed, and that is exponentially more true when it's a war against terrorists, against barbarians, against any form of hapless causehead or True Believer in the Cause.
The whole point of terrorism is in the term: TERROR. The point of terrorism is to get the government to give up/in in order for the terrorists to stop murdering.
@thedisasterautist Agreed.
I have little sympathy for Hamas or those who support them.
I also have little sympathy for Russians or others who support Putin as well.
Two conflicts thats are joined by one reason- democratic countries under attack.
The days of trying to fight with one hand tied behind our back are gone.
@AkomoCombine: One generation in particular grew up desperate to avoid conflict and believed that the Berlin Wall falling meant everyone was going to get along and sing campfire songs, and so they stropped paying attention and actively worked to shut up people who paid attention and spoke out about what they saw happening.