
: As I have said before, it’s almost like there’s some kind of pattern to serial, organized pedophiles and human traffickers.

@thedisasterautist ☄️ 🍕 another example of the fascist deflect -- blaming others for what you yourself actually do

@Zeroshot @thedisasterautist
I would keep an open mind. It's probably more plausible that an employee would access the porn files on a computer that belongs to some older guy who is a flip phone user, than that the old guy would do it from his own business account.

@EileenKCarpenter @Zeroshot: I am confused by your comment/suggestion. Are you saying you doubt the investigation to Mr. Franklin? These sorts of arrests don't tend to come without rather a lot of "digital paper trail", including timestamps, MAC and IP addresses, network and internet routing information, and such, plus actual footwork. Such charges are not usually flimsy or "whoospie".

@thedisasterautist @Zeroshot
People do get accused based on other people using their work computers. Some investigators understand and are cautious, but many local cops have very little understanding of cybercrime and will just go for the headlines.

@EileenKCarpenter @Zeroshot: Well, I'll go with experience and personal observation and give the benefit of the doubt, until I hear otherwise, that dude wasn't bagged in that kind of lazy investigation. I will stick to that also on the basis of such arrests over the last nearly decade and more haven't fallen apart because of overzealous and/or stupid investigators, especially not in the last four to six years.

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