@Render: I'm glad it isn't only the Right and alt-right finally getting shown for what just as a swath of the Left and alt-Left have been doing fore decades.

Everyone seems to have this fucked-up self-righteous barely-passive-aggression. They're waiting on someone to touch them so they can plead oppression.

@thedisasterautist The problem appears to be that no one trained them... Actual boomers were civil rights leaders... The few students involved here took their marching orders from Hamas funded paid agitators. @AkomoCombine @Render

@AnneW @AkomoCombine @Render: I meant culturally, not literally, as in trained them for this very day. I should've clairified.

The Boomers were often civil rights leaders but largely a generation after a lot of the heavy lifting was done by people born before the end of WW2.

The Boomers as a generation took credit for ending a war, though their part in it, while not small, was not sole.

The Boomers were spoiled, by and large, as a generation, and then when they got the helm, they did...

@AnneW @AkomoCombine @Render: Yeah, they did get ordered and funded by Hamas and other pro agitators and agents, but their homeschooling was Boomer culture. I remember it well. Their upbringings and environments kept their brains smooth, and they, the Q and MAGA crowds, made them easy marks.

@thedisasterautist @AkomoCombine @Render

These students are not the children of boomers.
... and you may be over thinking this a bit... ๐Ÿ˜

@AnneW @AkomoCombine @Render: I didn't say they were the kids of Boomers. In my reply thread I specifically stated the chain of generations since the Boomers and addressed what has contributed to these 20somethings' attitudes and perspectives.

@thedisasterautist @AkomoCombine @Render

The things you describe (consumerism, etc.) did not begin with boomers... Opportunities after WW2 created massive change. Would you wish they had not given their children every opportunity they could? All generations have the choice to reject the previous one's ... No one generation can be held responsible for the next ones choices... certainly not two or three later ๐Ÿคท


@AnneW @AkomoCombine @Render: I'll call it a day on this because I wasn't talking about consumerism or the post-WW2 boom or changing technologies. I was pointing at a specific swath of attitudes and behaviors of the generation, attitudes and behaviors that certainly could and likely were present prior to the postwar boom but shifted up into higher gear by that generation. Plus the generational differences from there on.

We seem not to be discussing the same things.

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