Large barrage of rockets out of Gaza into south and central Israel. The size and scale indicates more than one terrorist group firing.

"The public in southern and central Israel are urged to stay near protected areas and follow the instructions of the Home Front Command."

Hamas statement expected momentarily.

Entering the realm of the more bizarre than usual...

It appears that this barrage was cover for an infiltration from Gaza into southern Israel by a single para glider. In broad daylight.

ok (not so much)...

It's more than the one para glider Snake Plissken wannabe.

Israeli navy intercepted at least two speed boats attempting to infiltrate the coast.

Multiple armed infiltrators already inside of Sderot, Israel shooting at civilians.

Iron Dome is intercepting but at least one rocket has hit Tel Aviv.

Current time in Israel is 7:50AM.

The Pain is coming.

This is an invasion.

Terrorists have opened at least two holes in the border fence and are pouring into Sederot using pick up trucks, motorcycles, and on foot.

You want the Merkava's in Gaza City? Because this is how you get the Merkava's in Gaza City.

Hamas commander makes a statement, but only to call on the Islamic Resistance groups in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria to unite.

Not sure how they did it but Hamas has managed to stop a Merkava 4 at the border fence.

Video of the body of one dead Israeli being dragged back into Gaza.

Israeli minister of defense calls up all IDF reserves.

We have another statement from Hamas leadership...

Hamas has claimed an attack on Israel. Mohammed Deif, leader of the military branch of Hamas, speaks of a new military operation called Operation al-Aqsa storm.


The videos appearing on Reddit should be avoided. They rolled through a senior citizen community killing everybody they found.

Current estimate is over 5,000 rockets and mortar shells fired in about 2hrs time, and the rockets are still coming.

Iron Dome systems burning through their ammo magazines.

Israel Defense Ministry statement: In accordance with assessments by Israel’s defense establishment, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant has announced a “special security situation” in Israel’s Homefront, within a 0-80 km radius from the Gaza Strip.

This status enables the IDF to provide civilians with safety instructions and close relevant sites.


That's all of south and central Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

IDF soldiers were reportedly killed in their barracks near the Gaza-Israeli border.

Squads of Palestinian gunmen still roaming the streets of Sderot, mowing down everybody they see.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad admits that its terrorists are also involved.

Possible Palestinian death squads reported in Ashkelon.


The IDF is going to go biblical.

The Popular Resistance Committees claims its fighters were a part of the infiltration operation in southern Israel.

Israel Police report that "terrorists from the Gaza Strip are holding hostages in homes in Ofakim; armed militants have infiltrated into Netivot.

There are Palestinian reports of IDF soldiers and civilians taken hostage into Gaza.

Rockets still coming, 3hrs now. Initial Israeli reports are 5 Israeli's killed and 20 wounded just from the rocket attacks.

More than 80 wounded brought to the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba as a result of the Hamas attacks on Israel, the hospital says. Several in serious condition.


Judging from the pictures and videos that I've seen so far the Israeli death count will be in the hundreds, maybe more.

Some people in IDF and Mossad leadership will be fired, after the biblical part of the response is done.

IDF announces Operation Iron Swords.

Fighting ongoing in several Israeli towns.

IDF is preparing for escalations both from Gaza Strip and from its northern front (Lebanon/Syria).

The entire active IDF is on the move and the skies over Gaza are filling up with drones and fighter-bombers.

Russian social media thrilled with the attack on Israel. And it's impossible to distinguish between what they're saying and what neo-nazis and other Palestinian supporters are saying on western social media.

Israeli fighter-bombers now attacking everything Hamas related in the Gaza Strip.

I assume that this includes all of the other terrorist groups in Gaza as well.

Fighting is ongoing at the Erez border crossing and the Zikim military base, IDF military Spokesman says - Reuters

West Bank terrorist groups are forming up in different cities but no reported attacks from them yet.

No movement reported on the Lebanese or Syrian side of those borders, yet.

IDF downgrading the number of rockets fired at Israel so far to "approximately 2200" over the last 3+ hours.

Which is still a much higher firing rate than eleven days in 2021.

Rockets still coming. Iron Dome still responding.

IDF must have about 20 reload packs for every launcher.

Iron Dome isn't hitting everything, but they do seem to be hitting the majority.

IDF reports that 21 towns (including two cities) and sub-divisions near the Gaza border infiltrated.

I don't believe that the terrorists will reach Be'er Sheva (southeast of Gaza) alive but that seems to be the direction that they're taking for now.

IDF confirms that at least two Israeli towns are Hamas controlled.

One of the Israeli towns that Hamas overran was a retirement community, including at least some Holocaust survivors.

Hezbollah claims that they are in contact with Hamas leaders in Gaza and are "monitoring the situation". They also warn Israel to "choose wisely".

Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, I take it that Hezbollah isn't interested in today's adventure.

IDF is fighting Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, Sderot, Sufa, Nahal Oz, Magen, Be'eri, and the Re'im military base.

Israeli air strikes in Gaza are coming non-stop. IAF fighter-bombers can be seen lined up for miles deep into the Mediterranean, waiting their turn to roll in hot. Rocket fire should slow down soon.

Over 300 hundred wounded civilians reported at Israeli hospitals, so far.

Terrorists still pouring through the border fence in at least two locations.

I expect this location (video below) to be cluster bombed very soon, if it hasn't been already.

Israeli air force not bothering with "roof-knocking" warnings in Gaza city.

Israeli Apache gunships operating near the Gaza border.

IAF says they've fired 16 tons of munitions into Gaza so far and show no signs of stopping anytime soon.

IAF also says that they're conducting targeted assassinations of terrorist leaders all over Gaza.

The terrorists have at least one shoulder fired anti-aircraft launcher.

If you ever wanted to know how to get a 500lb JDAM dropped on your head, this is a sure fire way to make that happen...


@Render: I still do not understand the shouting of "God is great" when they do that, but then I don't really understand religion. I mean... I do, but I don't "get" it.

@thedisasterautist @Render They'll be screaming into the void when they pass - the nothingness that envelops them will freeze them, silencing all thought, enveloping them in the embrace of total annihilation...

Nothing's there to catch them. Their last fragments of consciousness will evaporate in the instant they start to realize everything they believed in was a lie, & their confidence becomes a silent soul-rending scream.

It's not fun. I've been close.

Serves the terrorist bastards right.

@IrelandTorin @Render: I died once, though for only just over 2mins. 30sec., on an O/R table. when I was 22. Circled the drain and almost went down it again seven years later, in 1999.

For my money, I figure some of them are so whacked-out on the religion that they'll be happy as clams until they stop existing. Others, however, are going to realize too late that this was real life, that they're gonna die horribly without escape, and that they'll pray it's quick.

@thedisasterautist @IrelandTorin

You're missing something important.

It's called Captagon and it's produced in Syria in massive amounts that are then smuggled all over the Middle East.

@Render @IrelandTorin: I had to look it up. Fenethylline. Honestly, I didn't know it was still a think, but when I read about it and saw it's a big party drug in the Middle East... then I remembered how the kamikaze were drugged up, how a lot of Nazi soldiers were drugged up, and so on. Kinda like a Jonestown thing.

@Render @thedisasterautist As someone who was once prescribed high doses of amphetamines (due to a sleep disorder) - while that might help them run right up to the edge of death, I don't think it'll do much for them once they cross over the precipice.

Based on the experiences of people I knew, it might make matters worse for em - amphetamine hallucinations have a distinctly paranoid, frightening bent. Dying w/ a brain full of shadowy, terrifying hallucinations'd probably feel like hell to them.

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