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Power out again, since 1:30am. Thinking about that tree stump that's been leaning against the power lines out along the major nearby street since Tuesday...
Oncor are not serious about public welfare.

Spotify is now playing hide-and-seek with stream totals on their "For Artists" pages, in service of their demonitization policy.
(It's complicated enough that their Customer Service person took 30 min. to try and come up with a cogent explanation.)
Dump the Green Death Star and play music anywhere else!

Power's still out. Oncor will not provide estimated restoration.

Some macho loonburger out with a chainsaw while there's still lightning all around...

Woke to hurricane force winds and heavy rain. Large hail reported just to the N. And, of course, power went down just as the worst had passed. More rain on the way, and another round tonight. Lots of branches down, but we're ok. And f*ck Oncor, ERCOT, and Goobernor Greg.

Cleaning the agitator on the washing machine before the Executive Producer returns - what the hell is actually in fabric softener, anyway???

Toby Morton rides again - Tx, let's make this the #1 search result for the crooked AG:

Because I want to keep recording and playing, I am obligated to let you know that the Memorial Day merch sale is live - $13 tees, up to 40% off the rest: clothing, art prints, mugs, and more ~

Suddenly my YT feed is full of Jazz musicians intent on explaining why Jazz is "better" than Blues, complete with oversimplifications and cheesily played examples.
Better? How about different?
Or, as my old teacher used to say:
Style! Style! Style! Style! Style!

Anything can be rendered unappealing by a poorly understood, uncommitted performance (but that nose in the air kinda weakens the argument....)

Joe or Wes wouldn't have been caught dead making a vid like that.

Just a little ditty about how we're all feeling about now - deep breaths, 'nauts...
(post is public)

t heislen boosted

Racist Piece-O-Shit Abbott grants Daniel Perry pardon in murder of Black Lives Matter protester

Abbott has long vowed to pardon Perry, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison last year. After Perry’s conviction, unsealed court records revealed that he regularly shared racist memes and threatening content in private messages and social media posts, including descriptions of killing protesters and minorities.

t heislen boosted

Skid Row's "18 and Life" is based on a true story but the song changes that story.

I have a problem with this. I mean, based on this, Ricki should have gotten Involuntary Manslaughter...Lawyers, amiright?

Ricki should appeal his conviction and sentence.

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t heislen

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