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So, here begins another...
finding this place was a nice thing in '23 - hope '24 is somehow kind to all.

"No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious and charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful."
- Kurt Vonnegut

Modest proposal for a New Year's Resolution, by way of a look at the outlook for musicians....

t heislen boosted

Can we pretty please think about the influence of politics on creatives. Hell yes intentional.


Happy Feast of St. Stephen,
Patron Saint of Deacons.
Be nice to someone with a servant's calling today - they so often in these times have stones hurled their way.

All I want for Christmas is for the great hairy cosmic muffin to yeet all leaf blowers right off into the sun.

t heislen boosted

Headlines this morning: Biden's polls number continue to fall despite surging economy!

Don't listen to the polls. Don't listen to the Pundits. You want a better nation? You got to be a better citizen. Show up and you can win. New essay up on Stonekettle Station:

There are way too many people screeching out opinions who have no idea of how the government really works.
And too many who hear them and nod their heads.

The demise of "civics" is going to do this country in.

“We have not passed an emergency supplemental, a Farm Bill, or regular Appropriations. The story is not what they are doing. The story is what they are not doing.”
-Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Rs seek to destroy the country as much by inaction as action.

Chemo cream on the head day 2, and a long one only feels like I can shoot lasers out of my eyes, right?

Um, what's the cat chasing.....?

Some guy on the dead bird is claiming tritone subs are a leading cause of guitar stank face, but I'm thinking they generally lead to more of a slight smirk...

How do we foster thought, and importantly, dialogue?
Difficult but important article from GenZ (via Peter Greene at that other place):

Last biopsy came back negative, so the year of the dermatologist ends with a chemo cream/peel on the old bald scalp as soon as the last couple of liquid nitrogen burns heal. 2023 - four surgeries, a lot of freeze and scrapes, almost done.

A lot of what the various liked about FZ, all in one quick cut (incl. one of my favorite solos) - spin one up today in memory of someone who was always stubbornly himself:

Sorry, Epiphone, but who the actual thinks an Olive Drab Firebird is attractive?
Doesn't anybody at Gibson have filters?

Happy December 1 - It's Bandcamp Friday! Meaning your favorite musicians can get just a little more from your CD or download purchase - 1 CD nets more than 1500 streams! All the CDs in my shop are same price as download + under-cost s&h (and you get the download as well) - gotta make room for the next!
Support your favorite indie and pick up a stocking stuffer or 2!

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t heislen

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