Moving forward, the democrats don't need a single celebrity-level personality.
They need one message: "Donald Trump is the moral center of the Republican Party."
At this point, that doesn't need further evidence or explanation. It's not an attack ad. It's a simple fact.
A lot of US voters do not like that fact.
It's bizarre to me that the rhetoric that seems to be winning over a large sector of the US electorate is prospective government officials declaring that government is the enemy.
How does the hollow hypocrisy of this never connect?
How does installing gov't officials who are opposed to governing make any sense?
There is a massive rise in chaos with the conservative approach to law-making. They're fostering instability everywhere. Who does volatlity serve?
Only TFG.
One important, often overlooked, measure of an organisation is what it does in the absence of extrensic motivation.
This can be nearly impossible to determine from the outside, but to me, it is a crucial piece to examine from the inside.
What do we do with our time and resources when there is a lull? What motivates us internally? What would we do regardless of whether there are clients or contracts?
Conversely, what feels like too much work? What is stultified with internal resistance?
Have our leaders lied to us? Is it lying if they believed what they said? Did they believe it? How do we know?
How do we metabolise generations of assumptions that are being revealed to be untrue? Some of it seems benevolent and generous. Some of it is clearly evil and self-serving. A lot of it seems like a weird mixture of both.
Who can help us wrestle with any of this at the scale needed?
If the GOP really cared about the USA, they would not have chosen such a controversial character as their frontrunner.
There is no benefit for the republican party, or for the country, in them elevating a person who is so polarising that he is distateful to elements of their own party who are not part of the cult.
This should have been more of a talking point back in 2016.
It has only become more obvious and extreme since, as his (moral and legal) degeneracy has become increasingly public.
I view the credibility crisis as one of the largest pieces of the polycrisis. Credibility and accountability share a strong bond.
In even the smallest ways, people are culturally predisposed to make policies to protect themselves from human accountability.
When (any) words on (any) paper are used as a shield to protect themselves from (any) consequences, we're already in danger.
And this isn't new; it's an advanced, sophisticated phenomenon.
Once you see it, you can't stop seeing it.
TFG has no capacity to trust and so is incapable of trustworthiness.
He demands loyalty, but is himself disloyal.
His schtick only works on the people eager to see him as a self-fulfilling prophecy...which has never actually paid off for them.
There is a lot that is politically actionable there. TFG is thriving on some kind of mystique. He is the martyr-bully, which makes him difficult to target.
Difficult, but far from impossible.
A defining characteristic of a developed country is that it has predictable and trustworthy systems.
In North America, conservatives are actively destabilising legal and political systems. Destabilisation isn't their actual goal. Rather, they want the systems reshaped to their will.
Yet the volatility they are forcing will have repercussions that they ultimately do not want, and ultimately cannot control.
In this way, they are dangerously close to manifesting everything they are afraid of.
I have a lot of patience for people who aren't familiar with technology, but they really need to slow down and read all the prompts and dialogue boxes.
People who are less comfortable with tech who just dash through steps without reading anything...I don't want to watch a video of my face watching a colleague do that just now.
@sumpnlikefaith Because we're backing out of the one and backing into the next.
@sumpnlikefaith maybe next time I’m late for a call I’ll say ‘sorry, I’ve been in front-to-front meetings all day’
Stay curious and courageous. Change often arrives sideways.