@Museek yeah, anyone who pipes up with that mess is gonna have me holding them while a woman removes their balls with a spork.
@EileenKCarpenter @nl37tgt @Museek These are called "stand your ground" laws.
This disgusting phrase that is parading across the internet right now is a rape threat (at the very least), and could constitute enough of a threat to justify self-defense, which is not limited by location.
I fully expect that there will be sharp rise in these cases across the coutry, because the emboldened republicans don't fully realise what "we're not going back" means.
@sumpnlikefaith @nl37tgt @Museek
Unfortunately, “stand your ground” laws were meant to protect those in power from those who might challenge it So they will be used to protect men, not women, as they were used to protect George Zimmerman, not Trayvon Martin.
Women who kill their abusers are rarely allowed to claim self defense, let alone a right to stand their ground.