βSatire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying.β β Terry Pratchett
Today it is only the sun
Singing glorious matins
In the fuschia pink
Of a winter dawn
Frost shining
On silver grasses
The crows shine pink
In the early sunrise
The craggy tops
Bright with silver
Tinkling streams are lit
With little songs
And then the gold
Flooding the valley
Sharpening the edges
Bringing joy
to the little wren's heroic tune
Deep down in the dusky bushes
And lending the Fieldfares
A lilac hue.
People Drawn to Conspiracy Theories Share a Cluster of Psychological Features | Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/
As of Monday 11-11-2024 at 18:00:01 ET, CounterSocial has NOT responded to any warrants, subpoenas or other formal orders from any government agency. Further, as of the same timestamp, CounterSocial has never turned over any encryption or auth keys to anyone. Neither have we installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network or provided any enforcement organization a feed of any user content transiting our network. If this daily message ceases or changes you can assume something has changed. Users can always @ me with 'status' for an individual canary via DM anytime. For more info about Warrant Canaries >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrant_canary.
That is a lot of information.
Let's break it down:
Every other social siphons up as much information about you as they possibly can. That information is then sold in countless ways to anyone who wants to buy it. To them, you are a lucrative commodity.
CounterSocial collects NOTHING about you. Your posts are scrubbed of any metadata that might tell us anything about you. By default, your posts are not shared. You are not tracked in any way. To us, you are a valued community member.
Turbo Dude.
π³οΈβπ Bi
Founder of #caffeineclub
If you *only* post politics or twitter screenshots we won't be friends.