The crushing weight of hardships have pinned him down. Alas, he is worn weary from the world.
@Kurtroedeger Erm looks more like the crushing weight of too many treats... taking after the ole man eh?
@PurpleDragon there is a little joggle in his wiggle
@Kurtroedeger Needs more sheep chasing activities lol
Now duke, he sat me down for my review yesterday. It appears I have not met the belly rub metrics and my treat giving quota was unfulfilled. I've been put on a PIP and my future employment as his servant is up in the air.
@Kurtroedeger He might trade you in for the younger model. @PurpleDragon
@PurpleDragon Oh not me! I was thinking of @Kurtroedeger's kiddo!
@stueytheround 🤗
Yeah sorry that was directed at @Kurtroedeger