@GaryPoole What??? Are you ill? It's cake, fruit and jello with custard on top* ๐Ÿคฃ

May also contain dark rum ๐Ÿ˜‹

@AnneW Here's an option for the future, tell us when you are at Bristol, Gloucestershire and heading our way and we will prepare one just for us to share together.

@stueytheround @GaryPoole

@AnneW We are not in a rush, I appreciate that passports are costly items.


Ok @Maude we offer you the same deal as @AnneW, we look forward to eating with you one day @stueytheround

@S_r_stone @stueytheround I have not tasted savoury trifles, I know it was a mediaeval menu option but the Victorians popularised sweet trifles

@stueytheround The Friends episode I reference had pages of a recipe that got stuck.together.

But then I got to thinking, why not a full meal trifle by layers? Eat through the meat and veggies to get rewarded with dessert layer at the bottom.

Separate them with something straddling dessert and veggie, like rice pudding.

I'm a culinary genius by God!

@stueytheround looks like a pretty great day, Stuey. Home upgrades, theater tickets and yummy food. Goodonya

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