For non-Pratchetteers
GNU is a way of ensuring that an absent friend is never forgotten, using the Discworld 'clacks' (telegraph) system.

@stueytheround Imagine a colab between Pratchett, Adams and Gaiman, with Wilde popping in there from time to time.

I think they’d solve life.

@PurpleDragon @stueytheround I’d keep Cleese a mile away from anything I’d prefer to enjoy.

It’s unfortunate that I love MP so much.

@PurpleDragon He’s really taken a strong stand about keeping British English.

Meaning white.


@PurpleDragon @stueytheround He’s less worse than some others, but…. He’s still a problem.

At least he hates Trump, so I’m good with that.

@PurpleDragon @stueytheround Overall, he’s not… terrible… but the whole thing about London not being an English city anymore and supporting Brexit makes me want to keep him at arm’s length.

He's *always* been an arse.
Damnit he built a career on being an arse! 🤣


@stueytheround @PurpleDragon The political spectrum is not a line, but a ring, and sometimes people go so far on one side that the flip to the other side of the ring.

@EnochianEntropy Ah understand. I have a hard enough time keeping track of the shit going on here in the states. Much less overseas. 🫣

@PurpleDragon Add “English” as another ethnicity I’ve been mistaken for. 😂😂


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