Our second recipient in the #caffeineclub #christmashonours is the marvellous @txgal who henceforth shall be called 'Great warrior of the battle of the bean, bearer of the ten gallon coffee mug'.
@stueytheround @txgal battle of the bean pmsl srsly had me in tears
txgal keep battling the bean now 😂
@stueytheround @txgal that clears that up 😂😂 and I didn't know that so learned something 😁
Hope you and Queenie had a good crimbo Stuey ?
And you also txgal ?
@stueytheround @txgal And here is a Christmas cartoon for those who desperately need coffee https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3o8tVCB71WaOWh5UEVNRElZdG8