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I am seriously starting to wonder if Musk is the Omen kid all grown up...😋

Good morning all! Walker back to Texas and Warnock back to Senate. Whew...that was a tense night waiting to tally the hillbilly horde's vote. I'll take a few small victories while I wait for the Supreme Court to kick me in the nards...

What a horrible look for Republicans if they are willing to vote in Walker. What a clown show party...

I am starting to think Trump just ran to secure his fan base so when he gets indicted, they will fight for him...AGAIN. If he is not indicted, he will threaten the RNC to nominate him or he will start a third party. Good luck created this monster!

Had a work friend bring back an oldie! His response on Zoom was "Your momma"'s been a while!

It's 80 degrees here. Can someone please will some cold air our way?

The one week I get to root for a Texans win. We have Cleveland's first round pick. Oof...


Thank goodness for this option. Nobody has to endure my sausage fingers and poor spelling!

Shameless plug for my old band! My daughter found it. I think my drummer made the page.

Ye looked like a Bond villain yesterday. I am sick and tired of all the white supremacist and antisemites. GO BACK IN YOUR HOLE!!! my coffee. TV on...and what comes on? A diamond commercial. I wince every time I see a diamond commercial ever since I saw Blood Diamond.

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