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My daughter is a Junior in College and my son is a Freshman. I am in the go broke paying for school phase of life...

ok ready to go! Coffee is brewing and I have my Zoom shirt on!

Swingin Utters
Static X
Old 97s

State of Grace
Big Trouble in Little China
The Thing
Jacobs Ladder (1990)
Escape from New York

Trump nominating Lindell for RNC is awesome! One step closer to Trumpty Dumpty to starting a far right third party!

We need to figure out a way to ween off this county's fetish for guns

I think I am the last person working today. Every email I send is bouncing back with an "out of office" auto reply...I'm officially jealous🙄

95% of the world is in a constant daze. The other 5% are constantly amazed.

Joe VS the Volcano

Hunter Biden should endorse a line of laptops. He would make a fortune.

We have movie night with the whole family every week. This week we watched the 2013 Evil Dead remake. If you are a fan of Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness you will be disappointed.

I wake up to:

GOP: "Inflation, crime and the border!"

Me: Well they took the house

GOP: "Hunter Biden!"

sigh.."is the coffee ready?"

I have a feeling Pelosi will retire. I wonder who will take her place?

Good morning all! Time to wade into the insanity. Good luck!

I know CoSo isn't into trending but maybe a way to get newbies (like myself) to use might be a list of trending hashtags?

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