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This will be fun watching the Angry Orange burn down the republican party while he dodges legal trouble!

So what happens now? RNC said they won't pay anymore legal bills if he declared he was running...

Has Trumpty Dumpty announced yet? Looking forward to Plump v DeSantis death match

@PaulKatz I have always been for all of the above. If it moves me I respond. Politics are definitely part of the mix but certainly not the only reason.

I just learned something new. In 1800s England people who cleaned bedpans were called gong farmers

I had a dream Kari Lake was hitchhiking to Mar-a-lago. Large Marge from Peewee Herman gave her a ride. I need coffee...

I work from home and I have started listening to podcast. I can highly recommend ULTRA by Rachael Maddow. It's a story I have never heard before.

Has anyone seen Devils Hour on Prime? I am more than halfway through and really enjoying it.

Have a great week COSO! The grind begins...

I know not everyone cares but it's football day. I am sick of year three of rooting for draft picks. Don't do it Texans :doh:

I am officially divorced from my crazy ex Twitter! I stayed through the midterms now I'll toot away while I watch it burn!

Arizona is braindead...I can't believe Kari Lake has a chance to win anything. She isn't fit enough to run for President of a condo board

Thank you for your service! Good morning Vets

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