Well let's hope the aliens don't show up at the House of Reps and ask to speak to the leader

Don't be fooled by the Repubs trying to convince you this is a healthy process and it's what people voted for. It's a serious mess....

At what point do people begin to regret the vote they made for some of these Repubs?

Dead Party Walking: Don't forget...even if McCarthy does actually pull it out today there are two hundred others signing off on his concessions. How many Congress people can fit in the clown car?

Kevin is still being rejected even after a pizza party last night and an early morning Trump endorsement. Maybe Trump can offer Mar-a-Lago buffet vouchers next?

Mr. Perry..."Washington is broken. I will continue to break it!"

Did the DOJ give Mr. Perry his phone back yet? He needs to Google "gibberish"

Kevin has to say enough is enough at some point. He is being humiliated

1: I am enjoying watching Kevin be rejected and the Repubs split.

2: Please stop using last night's NFL horrific event as an excuse to spread anit vax crap

3: Hug your family...a lot. Make sure they know how you feel.

Happy New Year all! Had a death in the family on Christmas eve so I haven't been on much. Back to the grind!

Just for reference: It will be a low of 17 tonight and by the end of next week we will be back to a high of 75...Texas winters are disappointing

Looking forward to sifting through the 800 page Jan. 6th doc. Should be an easy read when about 60% will be "5th" over and over...🤣

Good morning all! I thought I would offer some helpful life advice:

Good morning, all! I have officially lost my will to continue working. My head and body are unwilling to keep work until Thursday when I go on vacation. Apparently, they have taken the rest of the year off. Happy Holidays!

# politics Next big announcement: Brokemon-GO: MAGA zombies wandering into traffic and off cliffs trying to catch a digital Trump.

The really sad thing is there are a ton of morons who think the trading card idea is "cool as hell"

Why is anyone still on Twitter?

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