Bandcamp has paid almost $23 million to artists in the past 30 days, which doesn't include Bandcamp's cut. That's awesome and I love that artists can make more money selling though Bandcamp. Hell, they even help bands print to vinyl by shouldering some of the upfront costs. However, they really need to figure out a way for bands to ship internationally. It's crazy to pay €15.00 for the vinyl and €17.00 for shipping. I understand it, but it's nuts.

I'd buy so many more bands on vinyl if the shipping cost was more reasonable. I know, currently, it is what it is, but it seems that Bandcamp could bring some muscle to bear in this area. They're already offering bands the ability to price in multiple currencies ($, €, CAD, etc.). Hopefully this is on their radar.


I love Bandcamp, but found them unresponsive to user requests.

I buy a lot of music there, and one of the bugs, that I have repeatedly ask them to fix has gone years without improving.

If you find a band or an artist that you love, and want to purchase the whole catalog, they do give you a steep discount. But then when you go to download, and you have to download each and every album separately.
If they have a big catalog this can take many hours, of clicking.


@corlin I agree. This is a pain. And it can be a lot of clicks depending on the size of the discography.

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