@Agatha It's the long-term cocaine use.
You can't post links to CounterSocial on Twitter, but you can probably post this cute picture of a cartoon gorilla named Gippy.¹
¹ At your own risk, because Elon Musk is very thin-skinned and will probably ban you for it. #CoSoTips
Direct links to CounterSocial can no longer be posted to Twitter or Facebook. We suspect it's because their leaders are compensating for something very, very small.
If you'd like to tell your people there that you're now hanging out here, check our profile for a custom header and avatar, or share this image which is still allowed... for now. #CoSoTips
@th3j35t3r This place has all kinds of potential. Nicely done.
Blue. Sock-like. Fled the laundry for obvious reasons and now post thoughts online like a sock fugitive.