Direct links to CounterSocial can no longer be posted to Twitter or Facebook. We suspect it's because their leaders are compensating for something very, very small.
If you'd like to tell your people there that you're now hanging out here, check our profile for a custom header and avatar, or share this image which is still allowed... for now. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips But you can shorten the URL and post it anyway! Just keep changing the shortened urls. =)
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine @CoSoTips
already updated to a new one lmao
@CoSoTips COSO has them worried. Repulsive GQP creeps.
@CoSoTips Is been my header for weeks. Thought about changing it last night but screw Muskrat. I've got other options if he wants to suspend my account.
@CoSoTips This is what you get if you try (snap from my unused and so far unbanned account. They did get another one last night, though. I love VPN's).
"Considered malware". Bet that makes J feel all special and shit. 😂
@CoSoTips oopsy. Good thing I put mine into my twitter profile where the clowns haven't yet figured out how to strip them.
@CoSoTips some of our twtr pals say that Dave Troy is telling folks this pltfrm will steal user data.
they are being warned against.
I was just direct messaging over on the bird app and wrote out in the direct message and it would not send. The whole bubble turned pink and WOULD NOT SEND. Slyly claimed "there's an error". I rewrote as CS and bingo, off it went.
I'll copy that image...thanks.
@CoSoTips, just a head's up, I had no issues posting the Counter Social link on Facebook, so you may want to amend this statement.