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Finally, we get a really hopeful sign from the President. Until now, I've been sickened by his talk that seems to me to equate anti semitism with outrage over the slaughter of Palestinians.

If this latest pronouncement forces Netanyahu to stand down, it's a very good thing.

Yes, it's way late, but still a good thing.

Why is the Judge coddling Trump? If he acts like a 6 yo, he should be treated like a 6 yo.

"I don’t want to embarrass him,” Merchan said. 😲

I'm so sick of our criminal justice system giving this clown unfair privilege.

@Tarnagh @Maude
Every story I read like this I always think about what the "good" people of GA14 could possibly have been thinking. 😲

Yes. But I've always been a creative speller. I believe there should be more than one way to spell a word. 😉

Behold, a little light is shining in the darkness. I trust there are others hidden from view, who may also find the courage to shine.

And as the light grows a path leading up and out of the cave becomes visible.

We are witnessing our criminal justice system abandoning its credo that "no one is above the law". Instead they have yielded to political influence and personal fame.

It's shameful how Trump is allowed to manipulate everyone and everything.

The media are bending backward and turning into pretzels to avoid the elephant in the room.

But when the history of this time is written, it will say Trump was held above the law. He was allowed to corrupt his NY State trial by lying and pressuring witnesses, jurors and court officials in flagrant violation of normal procedures and the judge's written orders.

That is indeed profound and wise. I hadn't heard it before. But I'll take it with me Thank you. 🙏 🙂

Good morning CoSo!
I hope that everyone has a most beautiful day! 💛 🙏 ✨

I just finished "Unfrosted" on Netflix. It has a fabulous cast. Started off clever, imaginative, and very funny.

But the jokes got progressively worse, in poor taste, and just plain stupid.

The deal breaker for me was trying to do a parody of the Jan. 6th attack on the Capital as an assault of Kellogg HQ by breakfast cereal mascots. 👎

When did prosecutors and trial judges become so convinced that putting Trump in jail for contempt would surely cause all of the following?

* rioting in the streets
* a stock market crash
* Biden to lose the election
* the moon to fall from the sky

Cause I'm pretty sure it's not true.

It's more likely to cause:

* dancing in the streets
* a stock market boom
* a Biden victory
* a big, beautiful full moon

We should never be afraid of doing what's right.

I don't follow. Steve Schmidt regulary but have been impressed with him in recent years.

I am impressed that someone is thinking past this next election about how to make the country better.

And I think Steve has a lot of interesting and valuable observations in this video. It's mildly heartening to see members of the Republican party speaking intelligently about where we go from here.

Yeah, all evidence to the contrary aside, . . .

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Steve Loudermilk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.