Happy Monday, everyone! Challenge yourself today:
Creo que puedo
Rima en un idioma
Apenas hablo
Bearcat used Enrage!
😡 It's not very effective...😡
Bearcat used Vote!
🌟 It's super-effective! 🌟
I'm furious at the SCOTUS news, but instead of feeling impotent I am filled with determination. Anything less at this point is surrender.
My brother is a lawyer, and he happens to be visiting this week. We are having a very educational conversation about current events that is doing nothing for my faith in the system.
This happens every time I pop the hood on anything. The more I learn about how the sausage is made, the less hungry I get.
Why must EVERYTHING be held together with vitriol, bias, graft, and duct tape?
Register to vote
Like your life depends on it
Be loud, and be heard
I smile every single time I read this. Our family beagle growing up was like this 100% of the time. #dogsofcoso #cosocomics
With apologies to the muppets:
It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet new faces
On the CoSo app tonight
Hi, all! Welcome! Check out the user guide to get started: counter.social/userguide.pdf
You awaken on the beach
The moon is shining bright
A vast expanse of sand extends
No other soul in sight
You stand amid the tidepools
The water's ankle-deep
No clouds obscure your vision
As the star-kissed ocean sleeps
The salty air entwines your hair
Its music stirs your soul
The night is yours and yours alone
Just begging for a stroll
If you haven't played with #cosorealms before, those are pretty darn cool. Just sayin'... :)
#cosotips CounterSocial is compatible with BotSentinel and with FactLayer. I recommend trying both of these extensions out if your browser supports them. Adds a lot of context to your feeds and the links they contain.
The monkey is gone
The feeds are humming steady
CounterSocial's back
Author. Editor. Programmer. Game Designer. Aspiring Problem Solver. AMA.