#cosotips CounterSocial is compatible with BotSentinel and with FactLayer. I recommend trying both of these extensions out if your browser supports them. Adds a lot of context to your feeds and the links they contain.
The monkey is gone
The feeds are humming steady
CounterSocial's back
#introductions New here? Lost and confused? Check out the user guide: https://counter.social/userguide.pdf
Welcome to the wonderful world of non-toxic social media :)
@EmilySuess It's a passion project more than a business. Our host has been forthcoming about where he was a while ago and how he's grown since then. I, for one, forgive the flaws and celebrate who they are rather than who they were.
@MLClark tomorrow is another day. Didn't quite reach the summit today. Hope your efforts were more fruitful!
@th3j35t3r really appreciate all the work you're doing to keep this place humming along. Thank you!
Twitter, twitter, hi
Twitter, twitter, tell me why
Twitter, twitter, bye
Slippered steps on wooden planks
Muffled by the rain
Streaming softly from sky
To wet my window pane
The fire's lit, the cabin's dry
The kettle's at a boil
The wind outside may bark and bray
Its impotent turmoil
The woolen blanket's on the bed,
The cat's curled at my feet
I deftly drain my mug of tea
And hum myself to sleep
Here's a list of the hashtags I have aggregated into a single feed. I think the net is pretty wide, but if you're seeing activity on others, please chime in!
PSA - https://counter.social will be temporarily going offline at 09:45AM for 30-60 minutes while we add more capacity to our infrastructure to cope with the current demand.
#cosogamedesign #cosogaming #gamedev
Do you prefer it when games keep you gated into the area you're meant to be in, or allow you roam free (and thus, potentially become horribly lost)?
Do other people have a secret language surrounding the food in their household?
For example, my spouse will only eat eggs that have been "fully cooked," by which they mean baked into brownies or banana bread. So when they tell me they "made eggs," I know I'm in for a delicious treat.
Anyway, I'm having "eggs" for breakfast. And I regret nothing. Cheers!
@MLClark I'm trying (and failing, honestly) to focus on finishing up the fifth and final plot chain on my CYOA story-game concept. After that's done, all that's left is sandpaper and polish!
@SDuffy @realDDGlover I'm not sure if there's a way to do that or not, as I quite like the dark mode. A cursory check through the preferences section didn't show a way to turn it off, though. Hopefully others can be more helpful there, sorry :(
Good morning, everyone!
If you're new here, welcome! Check out the user guide when you get the chance: counter.social/userguide.pdf
It'll help you settle into the brave new world that is safe, sanitized social media.
Highly recommend checking out @realDDGlover's profile, as well. They maintain a list of hashtags you can use to set up your feed's pins. Keep in mind you can group multiple hashtags to a single feed to isolate as many pertinent conversations as possible per topic!
@bloodravenlib sure thing! When reading, you can click the dots to "expand" the post to see the thread isolated
@bloodravenlib you just reply to your own post after posting to continue the thread here.
Author. Editor. Programmer. Game Designer. Aspiring Problem Solver. AMA.