
Rant for tonight. My daughter is a foster parent, she had a precious baby up until a week ago when a judge awarded custody to dad who only appeared in the picture a couple of months ago. Today my daughter got a message that dad wanted her to send some clothes and toys for him. WTF? She spent thousands of $ of her own money clothing this baby as he grew. Not to mention the $32 a can for formula until he turned 1. She was hoping to get to adopt.

But she has no plans to adopt dad. Like dude, you wanted to be a dad, that means clothing, diapers, day care. Believe me, she spent a hell of lot more than the $25 a day she gets as a foster parent. She obviously isn't in it for the money

@BarkingSquirrel I thought it took a lot of nerve to even ask (thru his attorney) Like dude if you could afford an attorney you should be able to afford to clothe your child.

@BarkingSquirrel My daughter said she is going that dad waves the white flag of surrender. They will take this precious boy back in a skinny minute

@sistersib I’m sorry for her. Foster to adopt can be a fraught process. I hope she continues on the path, doing the very important work.

@misslovelymess She is a special education teacher and has a true love for children.

@sistersib She sounds like an amazing human. I will send her positive thoughts during this very hard time. ❤️

@sistersib Sounds like "dad" had a dose of reality.

"dad" can take a hike.

@Alex_Micati Because judges think that "blood" family is best for children. I'm sorry but it takes more than blood to be family

@sistersib I agree. And the fact that the dad reappeared a few months ago out of thin air should've shown the low level of interest for the baby.

@Alex_Micati That was my thought too. He knew mom was pregnant. Where was he for all that time

@sistersib ugh. How will he support that baby? Sigh. Or, maybe he figures she has all that and is not using it? Maybe she makes up a small goody bag or box. I assume she will foster again? God bless her. And the baby. And baby dad too.

@dawnyriver She sent a couple of outfits and a couple of toys with him. She will foster again, so clothing is kept for future fosters


I understand her frustration and pain. We were involved in direct adoption of friend’s teenage niece. We knew it was a girl, decorated a female nursery, bought entire wardrobe, paid for pre natal care and baby’s pediatrician and jaundice treatments after birth.

On day 3, the 15 yr old girl changed her mind. We were devastated.

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