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Remember all those times you were told you were overreacting?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

The most evil people on the planet doing the most evil deeds share one trait. They are all claiming divine inspiration and using religion as their justification for never-ending evil.

Why won't oligarch owned news media sources report on oligarch funded attempts to install a fascist dictator in the United States and do away with democracy?

A bit obvious, isn't it?

Pink Floyd - In The Flesh
(Because it is a 2 part song)

# CoSoMusic

What if we were all being intentionally baited into rage at every possible chance to keep us attacking each other so that we wouldn't organize against the foundation of an oligarchy?

We couldn't possibly be that gullible as a people, could we?

Bitter sarcasm Show more

Now that we are all about State's Rights, how do we tell which states have the rights to curtail other state's rights?

Sarcasm Show more

Please don't bother getting worried about this corrupt court decision. They have broadcast all along how they were going to decide, there is no suspense here. This is the same court that completely upended women's bodily autonomy without a second though. An insurrectionists husband is literally one of the judges. This could not be more plain and obvious.

After 4 years, can we finally admit that nobody was playing five dimensional chess? I really think the only way we are going to get past this is by acknowledging the truth.

Do you think Democrats will vote to overturn Citizens United? We already know that Republicans will not, but do you think the Democrats will, or are we just stuck with bribery from now on?

Ahh, cliques. Who could ever get tired of them?

Butthole Surfers - Goofy's Concern

I don't give a fuck about Donald Trump
I don't give a fuck about Elon Musk
I don't give a fuck about William Gates
I don't give a fuck about anything

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Gee Five

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