I’ve thought about this A LOT.
1) Pay off my bills, incl student loans
2) Set up retirement/investment accts
3) Pay back $ family has supported me with
4) Move to Spain or Portugal
5) Set up annual contribution's to non-profits
6) Hire a chef & cleaning company
7) Purchase a new DSLR to replace my ancient one + lenses + set up my own darkroom
8) Take a year or longer trip to every country in the world
9) Financially help friends and family who need help.
@see_the_sus @corlin oh yeah. Definitely the student loans. Hell if I had Elon money I'd go back to school for the hell of it. I love learning. But I'd have to have housing set up before that. It's amazing to me how much a few thousand dollars could ligit save so many of our asses, but bazillianaires waste bazillions on stupid crap like large impossible boats.