What's a movie that they have no hope of rebooting/sequeling? I'll start, "Better Off Dead" #CoSoQuestions #CoSoMovies
@scottyorange oh ye of little imagination :)
The sequel is a zombie love triangle called “Better Off Living”
This is such a great movie. I want my two dollars!
How about Young Frankenstein? It will never happen (it better not)
@Idissent I had the pleasure of seeing it with my spouse for their first time. They were like, "What is this movie???"
@scottyorange I bought a copy of it on DVD to keep. It’s never on tv that I have seen.
@AverageCitizen I used to have it on VHS. But now sadly only DVD
@scottyorange Blazing Saddles
@NoahPaulLeGies that's an excellent one. Just saw it in theaters recently.
Mannequin is another one.