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Want to feel old? Compare a rosy view of your childhood cognition when you were less aware of the world's problems because it was just "normal life" to your hyperawareness of various injustices that you pay attention to today!

Want to feel old? Notice little body aches and pains that you are currently experiencing, and remember a generalized view of how your body felt in your youth, ignoring that your memory is likely editing out minor physical discomforts that you may have also felt in the past!

Want to feel old? Be aware of people younger than you and feel like their hobbies and pop cultural interests are something that you don't feel you have the time or passion for!

Which is the more impressive record?

At the rate this is all going, it’s gonna be at least _three_ years before Trump is invited to guest on Dancing with the Stars

You may also know this song from the groundbreaking Strong Bad Email #72: "Crazy Cartoon", which introduced fan favorite character "Ey! Steve!"

Man, that person always projecting angry messages on the Twitter building on Market is gonna have a nice night in this evening.

Good lord the weird cuts on that latest trump video. Good thing it wasn't filmed in a room with any ambient sunlight, or by a window across a London street with a constantly updated shop mannequin in view.

Someone just blasted “The Purge” announcement in my neighborhood, so that’s certainly not not unnerving.

Gonna have to remember to write "2021" on checks and things starting tomorrow, and not accidentally write "AAAAAGGGHGHGHGHH!!"

I spent last New Year's Eve at home, alone, and vaguely depressed, so at least I've got the routine down for this year.

Yesterday my mom referred to the movie "A Bad Moms Christmas" as "Bad Mama Santa Christmas"

I haven't had pork in a year. Had it been safe to travel, I would have made an exception when I visited family and had spring rolls from my favorite restaurant back home, but here we are. So I guess I can thank COVID-19 for filling in a little gap left open by my shaky willpower.

I really like Olivia Jaimes' 21st-century take on what had been an ancient mildewing comic strip. You can follow more of her adventures at

I read a few pieces on Quora about narcissism months ago, and now I get daily emails from the site with titles like, "Do narcissists like other flavors of ice cream besides mint chocolate chip?"

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Joshua Love

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.