
Want to feel old? Compare a rosy view of your childhood cognition when you were less aware of the world's problems because it was just "normal life" to your hyperawareness of various injustices that you pay attention to today!

@schwalove my childhood cognition, at age 4 (1958), was hyperaware that my friend Peter (a Black boy) & my friend Jose (Hispanic) were not treated the same way i (a white girl) was treated... so, my normal life has always been dealing with injustices. i refused to recite the pledge of allegiance because my parents said lying was bad, and "liberty & justice for all" was a lie...


Interesting. I refused to say the pledge because if you're *forced* to make a promise, it isn't a binding promise. So only if I was allowed to refuse would everyone else's pledge mean anything.



Clearly you didn't grow up during the 60s, with the assassinations, and the hippies and drugs, and a paranoid mother, like I did.

Of course, I still feel old. But it's because I am. 😜

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