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'In the last three months, COVID-19 has delayed treatment for more than 30 patients, mostly orthopedic procedures, including joint replacements and spinal care. One organ transplant was put off and a "very complex head and neck cancer case" got postponed a week.'

“All Together Now” by The Farm is a Christmas song.

If you really like egg nog like you claim, you’ll use it instead of milk when dunking your Oreo double stuff cookies.

I was able to make it through two. It may come as a surprise to you, but it’s a little rich.

Ugh. I heard Christmas music today. Geez. It’s not even Christmas yet! Ugh. Ugh. Ack. It happens earlier every year. Bleah. Ugh. etc.

Looking at this, I keep thinking back to a few months ago, when there were charts showing what a second much bigger wave would look like if restrictions were eased up too soon and things weren't taken seriously enough.

Tonight (Saturday) at 8pm PST is my weekly online improv show. Watch my friends and I clown around on the old clowntube.

As long as no emergencies happen at work next week, I have nine days in a row off. Dare I take this time to read all the unread browser tabs left open on my laptop and phone?

"🎶 And I-eee-I will always love you, but in outer space 🎵 "

- The BodyGuardian

I'm not allowed to see Aliens or any other R-rated movie about outer space without a Guardian present.

Though I like to go out often, growing up an indoor kid, I have adapted to shelter-in-place rather well for the most part. But some days like today, I find an old Panera receipt used as a makeshift bookmark four years ago, and I don't know if I'm more on the verge of tears or screaming until my throat gives out.

If I make it through this month without hearing, “Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime”, I’m chalking up 2020 as a win.

There are more flavors of Triscuit and Oreo, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

If you need me, I'll be on my golden toilet, in the ass tree forest, behind the graveyard

Due to the pandemic, I’m so touch-starved at this point that when I’m finally able to get a haircut, I’m probably going to sound like Meg Ryan’s fake orgasm at Katz’s Deli

If you have a big get-together during a pandemic but say "Don't worry, we were safe" when people give you that look, that makes it all safe and everything is fine now.

In short, do Congressional Republicans accept reality, democracy, and the rule of law?

In three weeks we find out the monoliths are contagious, spreading rapidly, have a thirty percent mortality rate if you see them, and everyone has to wear blindfolds when leaving their home.

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Joshua Love

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.